Manufacturers around the globe who grasp the importance of sustainable business practices are beginning to experience financial and environmental benefits. Following economically-sound manufacturing processes minimize negative impacts on the environment while conserving natural resources and energy.
C.H. Reed developed our own 3E Initiative: Energy, Environment, & Ergonomics. By focusing on improving these three areas of manufacturing plants, the 3E Initiative can be used as a tool to refine the effectiveness of a plant’s process while reducing their footprint, improving product quality, reducing energy costs, and to help maintain worker safety.
C.H. Reed also partnered with Energy, Materials & Sustainability Consulting, LLC (EMS) to completed a 20-hour sustainability training course taught by EMS founder, Warren Weaver. Our goal is to expand our customer’s capabilities using the 3E Initiative while providing insightful ideas and solutions that help them meet their goals.
EMS is a local Pennsylvania-based consultancy with vast knowledge and expertise in sustainability & “green”, management systems, energy efficiency & conservation audits, material efficiency, clean & lean manufacturing, regulatory compliance, and training services in all these topics.

Graco ProMix 2KE Proportioner
- Reduces material waste
- Shortens drying time
- Reduces VOC's
- Saves time > easy color change

Graco ProXP Electrostatic Spray Guns
- Extremely high paint transfer efficiencies
- Material savings
- Lower VOC emissions
- Faster finishing process

Compressed Air Leak Detection
- Identify and detect air leaks
- Eliminate wasted energy
- Greatly reduces costs
- Substantial energy savings

Oil Water Separators
- Eliminates oily discharge from air compressors
- Eliminates 3rd party condensate disposal costs
- Environmentally sound
- Greatly reduces pollution

Compressed Air System Audits
- Helps identify value-adding opportunities in your system
- Identifies exact air consumption
- Reduces the likelihood of accidents
- Increases energy efficiencies, saving money and time

Solvent Recyclers
- Reduces your liquid waste disposal expenses
- Provides a “greener” painting operation with reduced operating expenses and environmental benefits
- Helps manufacturers improve their “waste generation status” with environmental agencies and help local governments

How Efficient is your Compressed Air System?
Contact C.H. Reed to schedule your compressed air system analysis.